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                                        Restoration/Vehicle Modification Agreement
This agreement is to inform our customer on the policies for the restoration/modification process that we follow here at Spikes Speed Shop/DBA Basement Powersports INC.  The restoration and or modification of any vehicle can be a lengthy and can an also be expensive process, full frame off, rotisserie restorations can be 500+ hours, custom and show quality restorations can be much higher.  Where as simple bolt on modifications and or upgrades can be a much shorter wait time.  It is our desire that we work with you, as the client to ensure you understand the commitment both in time research and money it takes to complete a project.  These policies are in place so that we can avoid any misunderstandings and the process will be enjoyable and satisfying!
1.       Because of the unknown variables associated with modifications/restoration (condition of body, frame, structural components, engine and general mechanical condition and availability of parts) estimates or “bids” of the total cost of a project will not be given at any time.  All restoration jobs are time and material.   There are sometimes unforeseen circumstances we aim to remain as informative as possible when these things arise as well as document with pictures notes etc. 
2.      Due to our current work load a 25% deposit based on total estimate of work requested, will be required upon execution of this agreement to hold your place.  This deposit will be applied to work performed, parts and materials until it is depleted.   Additional deposits will be required when the prior deposit reaches $1000 or less.   With this, if you see any delay with a scheduled deposit, we ask that you communicate that to us as early as possible, therefore not to hinder any progress on your build.
3.      As a customer you will be billed every other monday, once your vehicle is brought in to the facility with the total invoice due upon receipt if payment is not submitted we will have to move on to the next vehicle in line.  If that happens multiple times we would ask that you bring your vehicle back when you're ready to commit to the process.  If neccessary alternate options can be arranged for your convenience.
4.      Invoices will include time spent on project and any materials used or ordered during the preceding week.  Labor hours and descriptions are intended to define the scope of the work performed and may not include every detail of work performed.  Hours may also include multiple employees working on the same project. 
5.      Time sheets are maintained as a record of time spent on the project and photos are taken as the project progresses.  Photos of progress will be posted to our website for your viewing.  Customer is welcome to personally view the project as it progresses.  At the end of the restoration all photos will be available to you.  Everything we discuss will be put in wiritng at time of agreement.  You at this point will be asked to also sign a copy of said agreement.  Any changes made from that point will require a new written agreement that will also need to be signed.  A detailed file will be kept with hard copies of everything we have agreed on. 
6.      Our labor rates are:
$165.00 per hour for High Performance and Vintage Mechanical
$145.00 per hour for Restoration Body Work 

$165.00 per hour for metal work/ fabrication
$175.00 per hour for Involved Electrical

  Keep in mind labor charges and times based on vehicles country of origin and availibility of  quality aftermarket components and or factory repair information.
Parts, sublets, and materials will be marked up based on a combination of our cost and market price.   Restoration charges apply to “time and materials”. Quality, comprehensive restorations of collectible and or specialty automobiles take time, and can be expensive. Time spent on projects is documented by time clock. A list of parts and paint materials used within the billing cycle is included on the invoice.  Please note that in some cases extensive time and research may be needed to find the right part wether it be period specific fitment issues or even just your personal modification preference.  We ask that you Trust Our Process.
Invoices will include an item titled generically “Body Supplies”, which will include such items as bondo, putty, guide coat, cleaning solvents, rags, HazMat costs, etc.  These items are impossible to quantify, but are clearly related to the cost of restoration. This cost will be rated per hour of body time attributed to the restoration.

7.  All camshaft installs as well as boosted and forced induction applications are subject to an initial and external inspection which may include compression/leak down testing internal engine inspection but not limited to re-gapping of rings replacement of weak or weakened areas of design, i.e. rod bolts rods ring tolerances and or bearing clearances.  If this is not acceptable you must sign a waiver stating we will not be liable for any damage from said installed components.  This is to protect ourselves and your investment and usually done at cost pricing with no markup.

8.    Each customer is required to provide their own insurance to cover the market value of the vehicle.  Also Basement Powersports Inc DBA Spikes Speed Shop is not liable for damage caused by unforeseen circumstances such as fire theft or weather.  Client as previously mentioned is expected to maintain full coverage at all times during the restoration or modification process.   Customer assures Basement Powersportrs INC that the vehicle is titled in their name as the owner.  You will be responsible for improvements made to the vehicle even if you have not assured you possess clear title to the vehicle.  Proof of ownership may be required.

9.      Basement Powersports INC will not be responsible for faulty, altered or removed vin tags.  It is the customer’s responsibility to verify vin info before restoration.  Basement Powersports INC will not alter, add or modify vin tags.

10.  Customer may at any time decide to stop the repair/restoration process and may remove the car upon payment of outstanding invoices.  Pending final charges, any credit balance will be returned to customer.  In the event of a customer initiated “hold” on work, a $200.00 per month storage fee will be assessed until a new deposit is received. If the car is completed and left at the shop, after 1 week a charge of $35/day will be assessed.  If for some reason there will be any delay in this timeline please let us know at your earliest convenience to allow us to make room for other projects.

11.  Basement Powersports INC is not responsible for personal items left in vehicle. All take off parts left at Basement Powersports INC after 30 days of car delivery will be considered abandoned and disposed of.

12.   Parts or labor for replacing parts that are not purchased through Basement Powersports INC. will not be warranted by Basement Powersports inc.  All parts warranties are those provided by the manufacturer only.  We discourage the use of used parts that have not been rebuilt.

13.   Past Due Accounts are subject to a service charge of 1% per month.  Customer will be   responsible for legal fees associated with the collection of past due accounts.

14.  I give Spikes Speed Shop/DBA Basement Powersports INC permission to use the pictures of my restoration along with my name, city, state and country in their catalogs, website, on their page at and promotional materials.

15. It is the sole responsibility of the owner to be up to date on their states inspection laws and regulations Basement Powersports INC is not responsible for any aftermarket modifications that deem the vehicle for show or off road use only on said vehicle

    Thank you for choosing Basement Powersports INC for the restoration and or modification of your collectible/specialty automobile. It is our desire that the process of restoring/modifying your car will be an enjoyable and satisfying one.

Basement Powersports INC    
640 State Road Dartmouth Ma 02747  

© 2023 by Jade & Andy. Proudly created with

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